Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sensitive Vascular Tree

Sensitive Vascular Tree... Doesn't that sound pretty? Well... I saw the Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist down in St. George yesterday and he did an ultrasound of the cord and said that I have a sensitive vascular tree which means that I WILL be having preeclampsia again with this pregnancy. It is disappointing but on the bright side nothing has gone wrong yet and now that they know this early they can keep a close eye on me. I'm starting a medication for high blood pressure to keep my pressure down and I was also instructed to get plenty of rest. I can't do anything too exciting and I should not lose my temper. Haha- I told Bret he'd better start treating me like a princess so that I don't have a reason to lose my temper! :D According to the ultrasound, the baby looks good and healthy so no problems there which is a blessing. They took my blood and they'll be running tests to see how my internal organs are doing so far. With preeclampsia my organs will start to deteriorate and when that happens they will induce labor to get the baby and the placenta out. The only cure for preeclampsia is to get the placenta out. For some reason, once that happens the mother gets all better. The downside to that is that the baby gets kicked out of her warm uterus a bit too early. The doctor told me that the magic number is 32 weeks. If I can make it to 32 weeks of pregnancy before things go wrong with my body then she will have a 99% chance of survival and a 99% chance of avoiding neurological damage. As of right now (27 weeks) the percentage is only 75% so if we make it to at least 32 weeks then things will be so much better.

Anyways- wish us luck and keep us in your thoughts and prayers if you could. We'd appreciate it!


loveland9 said...

The other day was so much fun. Thanks! As for your tree...you're almost there. You're in our prayers.

loveland9 said...
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Kim L. said...

Just a few more weeks. Hang in there. We'll be praying for you!

Melody said...

Isn't technology AMAZING!!! I am concerned for you. preeclempsia is not good. Please do take it easy and avoid the temptation to do too much. I had complications after Piper and am recovering from a hysterectomy and reconstructive surgery. So really Lynn - take it easy. Rest, rest, rest. I know it's hard to do that when you have a toddler. Let everyone help you. Lay down and watch movies together, and take naps together. You will be in my prayers!

Kristi said...

Wow! What a sacrifice to bring another special spirit to earthly life! I will keep you in my prayers too! One of these days, I'd love for you to share some of your recipes... You sound like an incredible cook!

Mark and Kelly's Blog said...

Wow. That sounds like a stressful situation! Getting lots of rest can't be too easy with a 2 year old running around.. We'll definitely be praying for you. Good luck.