Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Smaller Jeans

About a year ago there was an Enrichment night for Relief Society where someone spoke to us about being more organized. She gave great tips on how to get the clutter out of your life. Something she said about clothes was that if you haven't worn it in the past year then get rid of it. She said if you're holding onto clothes that don't fit because you keep telling yourself that you're going to lose weight, to just toss them out. She said that most likely you will not lose the weight and never fit those clothes again.

I thought about that and I didn't like it. So I didn't listen to her.

This week I have pulled out the pants that have been too small for me to wear and now they fit me. I am so happy about that. Not only do I have more pants but it makes me feel good that I can wear them again.

I have now lost 15 lbs. :)


kristin said...

yay! good thing you held onto those pants. :) i still have some from when we got married that i am holding onto with big hopes. :) those big hopes equal 40 pounds though...

Amy said...

Way to go Lynn! I did notice you looking leaner in your cupcake post ;) How are you doing it with all those cupcakes around?

Lynn said...

Haha Amy, I eat just one and give the rest away. :)

Anonymous said...

You tell her!! I did throw mine away, and then had to buy some this week. It was awesome and annoying at the same time!! Congrats on 15lbs!!

Kristi Barnes said...

AWESOME! I am so jealous, I have a good 25 pounds to lose, what's your secret...I want to fit into my pants again!

Lynn said...

Kristi, no secret. Just exercising more and eating less/being more careful about what I eat.

Maria said...

Lynn, first of all your children are beautiful!!

I did the same thing with some belts. I told Jake, "LOOK I am wearing a belt that I have held on to since high school." He laughed at me and said, "why would you hold on to something that long?" Ok, two puns, I must be old (since high school is so long away from now) LOL, and second, I was silly to think I could use the belt again. They traveled with me into five different apartments to the house we live in today. And yes, yes, I held on to them in hopes I would use them again, and by golly I did. I completely love this post. I also, Love the looks of your cupcakes. Wish we lived closer, so you you could give some away to us! Happy Fall days to you!